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What We Believe

We believe that God loves everyone: no exceptions.


We believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We have a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God's love for every human.


We are members of the worldwide Anglican Communion, and part of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia


Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

Mother of us all.

What We Do

Our mission is to love and serve God and each other. We are a part of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia and share traditions of faith and order in the Book of Common Prayer which is part of our inheritance from the English reformation.


As Anglicans, we encompass wide-ranging traditions that are both Catholic and Protestant, ancient and reformed, progressive and conservative. 


We believe praying and serving together is much more important than sharing identical theological outlooks.

Our Community

The Harrisonburg/Rockingham community is located in the heart of Virginia's beautiful Shenandoah Valley and home to a population of 134,000 residents and three universities: James Madison University, Eastern Mennonite University, and Bridgewater College.


If you're new to the community, visiting us for a short while, or have been here your entire life, we welcome you to worship with us! 


We are followers of Jesus, transformed and empowered by God's grace and spirit to proclaim and live: God loves everyone - no exceptions!


(540) 434-2357



660 South Main Street

Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801


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© 2020-2022 Emmanuel Episcopal Church. All Rights Reserved.
Last update February 2022.

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