The food pantry at Emmanuel Church is a continuing outreach project supported through donations of cash, food, and volunteer time. We believe that our food pantry is one way our parish can answer Christ’s call to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Each month we distribute large bags of food to over 150 individuals. This number does not show the faces of hunger in our community. The people we serve, who come through our doors, are the poor, elderly, the disabled, the mentally ill, the infirm, men and women who have lost their jobs or missed a paycheck, or facing a real financial crisis. Food insecurity is a source of stress and desperation. With donations from our parish and community, we are able to help the people who depend on us. The needs of the Food Pantry are continuous and we are grateful for your donations.
Volunteers are always welcome to help with this ministry. Please call the church office, (540) 434-2357, for more information about volunteering or visiting the church pantry.
The Corner Cupboard Pantry is open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
For the Daily News Record article (2/18/2022), click here.

Since we follow the same schedule as the public school system, we will be closed when school is closed as well as during inclement weather