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8:00 AM: Holy Eucharist Rite I with communion

followed by Fellowship Hour


9:15-10:15 am - Sunday School for all ages and Adult Forum


10:30 AM Holy Eucharist Rite II with communion, organ & choir,  

followed by Fellowship Hour


All of our services are very participatory and everyone has an opportunity to assist, including reading the scriptures, assisting at the altar, greeting people, or bringing forth the bread and wine.



As Episcopalians, the Holy Scriptures inform our beliefs and worship. In our worship, we use the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, along with the Book of Common Prayer. Every Sunday The Lectionary, which is organized on a three-year cycle, provides a lesson from the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Psalms, and the Gospel. These readings also serve as the basis of inspiration for the sermon.


While we believe the Bible is our most sacred text, we acknowledge that it is a document written by people thousands of years ago. Because of this, it is full of contradictions and inconsistencies, especially for modern life. However, in it we find spiritual inspiration, historical grounding for our faith, the teachings of Jesus and of the Hebrew prophets before him, and guidance for our own life of prayer and service.


We are proud to be part of the ancient tradition of Christianity and members of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Our principal celebration, the Eucharist or Holy Communion, is modeled on Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples and the communal meals of the earliest Christian communities.



We are followers of Jesus, transformed and empowered by God's grace and spirit to proclaim and live: God loves everyone - no exceptions!


(540) 434-2357



660 South Main Street

Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801


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© 2020-2022 Emmanuel Episcopal Church. All Rights Reserved.
Last update February 2022.

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